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Module src/core/async/modules/wrappers


This module provides a bunch of helpers to wrap some objects, like event emitters or data providers.


The wrapper takes a link to the "raw" data provider and returns a new object that based on the original, but all async methods and properties are wrapped by Async.

Notice, the wrapped methods can take additional Async parameters, like group or label.

import Async from 'core/async';
import Provider, { provider } from 'core/data';

export default class User extends Provider {
baseURL = 'user/:id';

$a = new Async(),
wrappedProvider = $a.wrapDataProvider(new User());

wrappedProvider.get({uuid: 1}).then((res) => {

// By default, all wrapped methods have a group name that is equal to the provider name.
// So we can use it to clear or suspend requests, etc.
$a.clearAll({group: 'api.User'})

wrappedProvider.upd({uuid: 1}, {
// All wrapped methods can take additional Async parameters as the second argument: `group`, `label` and `join`
group: 'bla',
label: 'foo',
join: true,

// Also, the second argument of the wrapped method can take the original parameters from a provider
headers: {
'X-Foo': '1'

}).then((res) => {

// If we are providing a group to the method, it will be joined with the global group by using the `:` character
$a.suspendAll({group: 'api.User:bla'});

// Obviously, we can use a group as RegExp
$a.muteAll({group: /api\.User/});

// We can use any methods or properties from the original data provider

Custom global group

By default, when the wrapper wraps the provider, it takes the provider name and passes it as a group to all wrapped methods. This behavior brings a future to clear or suspend all requests from the wrapped provider by its name. But we can provide a different global name when wrapping a provider.

import Async from 'core/async';
import Provider, { provider } from 'core/data';

export default class User extends Provider {
baseURL = 'user/:id';

$a = new Async(),
dp1 = $a.wrapDataProvider(new User(), {group: 'foo'});

dp1.get({uuid: 1}).then((res) => {

$a.clearAll({group: 'foo'})


The wrapper takes a link to the "raw" event emitter and returns a new object that based on the original, but all async methods and properties are wrapped by Async.

Notice, the wrapped methods can take additional Async parameters, like group or label. In addition, the wrapper adds new methods, like "on" or "off", to make the emitter API more standard.

import Async from 'core/async';

$a = new Async(),
wrappedEventEmitter = $a.wrapEventEmitter(window);

const handler = () => console.log('scroll event');

// We can safely listen to emitter events, cause all emitter methods, like `addListener` or `on` are wrapped by Async.
const id = wrappedEventEmitter.addEventListener('scroll', handler, {
// Notice, the third argument can take Async parameters in addition to the native emitter parameters
capture: true,
label: 'label'

// The wrapper preserves the original API of emitter methods, so we can call something like this
wrappedEventEmitter.removeEventListener('scroll', handler);

// Finally, the wrapper adds a bunch of standard methods to the emitter, like `on`, `once`, and other stuff.
// We can use their instead of the original methods to make our code more universal.
wrappedEventEmitter.once('resize', (e) => {
}, {group: 'resizers'});

$a.muteAll({group: 'resizers'});

// We can use any methods or properties from the original emitter
console.log(wrappedEventEmitter.name); // window.name

Custom global group

Unlike the wrapper of data providers, the emitter wrapper doesn't have any default global group for operations, but you can pass it manually. This behavior brings a future to clear or suspend all events from the wrapped provider by its name.

import Async from 'core/async';

$a = new Async(),
wrappedEventEmitter = $a.wrapEventEmitter(window, {group: 'windowEvents'});

wrappedEventEmitter.once('resize', (e) => {

$a.muteAll({group: 'windowEvents'});

wrappedEventEmitter.on('scroll', (e) => {
}, {
// If we are providing a group to the method, it will be joined with the global group by using the `:` character
group: 'scrolling'

$a.muteAll({group: 'windowEvents:scrolling'});

Native API of emitters

As you can see, the wrapper creates a new object based on the original emitter and replaces some methods with the safely Async analogs. The overridden methods preserve the original emitter API, but some interfaces are not supported to use.

import Async from 'core/async';

$a = new Async(),
wrappedEventEmitter = $a.wrapEventEmitter(window, {group: 'windowEvents'});

// The wrapper does not support this kind of attaching listeners.
// The replaced method can take the second argument only as a function.
wrappedEventEmitter.addEventListener('scroll', {
handleEvent: (e) => {


The wrapper takes a link to the "raw" async storage and returns a new object that based on the original, but all async methods and properties are wrapped by Async.

Notice, the wrapped methods can take additional Async parameters, like group or label.

import Async from 'core/async';
import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

$a = new Async(),
wrappedStorage = $a.wrapStorage(asyncLocal);

wrappedStorage.set('someKey', 'someValue', {
// All wrapped methods can take additional Async parameters as the last argument: `group`, `label` and `join`
group: 'bla',
label: 'foo',
join: true,
}).then(async () => {
console.log(await wrappedStorage.get('someKey') === 'someValue');

$a.suspendAll({label: 'foo'});

Custom global group

The storage wrapper doesn't have any default global group for operations, but you can pass it manually. This behavior brings a feature to clear or suspend all events from the wrapped provider by its name.

import Async from 'core/async';
import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

$a = new Async(),
wrappedStorage = $a.wrapStorage(asyncLocal, {group: 'globalGroup'});

wrappedStorage.set('someKey', 'someValue').then(() => {

$a.muteAll({group: 'globalGroup'});

wrappedStorage.get('someKey', {
// If we are providing a group to the method, it will be joined with the global group by using the `:` character
group: 'localGroup'
}).then((val) => {
console.log(val) === 'someValue';

$a.clearAll({group: 'globalGroup:localGroup'});

Custom namespace

By default, a custom namespace have the same global group as the global namespace

import Async from 'core/async';
import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

$a = new Async(),
wrappedStorage = $a.wrapStorage(asyncLocal, {group: 'bar'});

// We can provide own global group to namespace, it will be joined with the parent's global group
const blaStore = wrappedStorage.namespace('[[BLA]]', {group: 'bla'});

blaStore.clear({group: 'foo'});

$a.muteAll({group: 'bar:bla:foo'});



Re-exports AsyncCb
Re-exports AsyncCbOptions
Re-exports AsyncCbOptionsSingle
Re-exports AsyncIdleOptions
Re-exports AsyncOnOptions
Re-exports AsyncOnceOptions
Re-exports AsyncOptions
Re-exports AsyncOptionsForWrappers
Re-exports AsyncPromiseOptions
Re-exports AsyncPromisifyOnceOptions
Re-exports AsyncProxyOptions
Re-exports AsyncRequestIdleCallbackOptions
Re-exports AsyncRequestOptions
Re-exports AsyncWaitOptions
Re-exports AsyncWorkerOptions
Re-exports BoundFn
Re-exports CancelablePromise
Re-exports ClearFn
Re-exports ClearOptions
Re-exports ClearOptionsId
Re-exports ClearProxyOptions
Re-exports ClearReason
Re-exports DataProviderBodyMethodsToReplace
Re-exports DataProviderMethodsToReplace
Re-exports DataProviderQueryMethodsToReplace
Re-exports EmitLikeEvents
Re-exports Event
Re-exports EventEmitterLike
Re-exports EventEmitterLikeP
Re-exports EventEmitterOverwritten
Re-exports EventEmitterWrapper
Re-exports EventId
Re-exports FullAsyncOptions
Re-exports FullClearOptions
Re-exports GlobalCache
Re-exports Group
Re-exports IdObject
Re-exports IdleCb
Re-exports Join
Re-exports Label
Renames and re-exports Namespaces
Re-exports LocalCache
Re-exports MarkReason
Re-exports Namespace
Re-exports Namespaces
Re-exports PromiseLikeP
Re-exports ProxyCb
Re-exports ReadonlyEventEmitterWrapper
Re-exports StrictClearOptions
Re-exports StrictClearOptionsId
Re-exports Task
Re-exports TaskCtx
Re-exports TimerId
Re-exports WorkerLike
Re-exports WorkerLikeP
Re-exports WrappedAsyncStorage
Re-exports WrappedAsyncStorageNamespace
Re-exports WrappedDataProvider
Re-exports asyncCounter
Re-exports asyncOptionsKeys
Re-exports dataProviderMethodsToReplace
Re-exports emitLikeEvents
Re-exports isAsyncOptions
Re-exports isEvent
Re-exports isParams
Re-exports isPromisifyLinkName
Re-exports isPromisifyNamespace
Re-exports isZombieGroup