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Module src/core/cache/decorators/persistent


This module provides a wrapper for Cache data structures to add a feature of persistent data storing. To describe how long should keep an item in the persistent cache, use the persistentTTL parameter. The value for persistentTTL should be provided in milliseconds.


import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

import addPersistent from 'core/cache/decorators/persistent';
import SimpleCache from 'core/cache/simple';

opts = {loadFromStorage: 'onInit'},
persistentCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, opts);

await persistentCache.set('foo', 'bar', {persistentTTL: (2).seconds()});
await persistentCache.set('foo2', 'bar2');

// Cause we use the same instance for the local data storing,
// this cache will have all values from the previous (it will be loaded from the storage during initialization)

copyOfCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, opts);



The option specifies the default TTL to keep items within the persistent storage in milliseconds. This value is used when you don't provide the persistentTTL parameter when saving an item.

import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

import addPersistent from 'core/cache/decorators/persistent';
import SimpleCache from 'core/cache/simple';

const persistentCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, {
persistentTTL: (60).seconds()

// If we "reload" the cache from the storage by using the browser reloading or another way,
// these saved values can be "restored" from the storage only for the next 60 seconds
await persistentCache.set('foo', 'bar');
await persistentCache.set('foo2', 'bar2');


There is more than one way to initialize a cache from persistent storage. The most obvious way to do it is to load all data from the storage to RAM during the cache's initialization. This strategy is simple but not effective cause if we can have a huge amount of data in the storage, so we have to load it all at the same time. This can be very expensive. We need another way. But what if we load an item from the cache only when it is requested the first time. In that case, we haven't to load the whole stored data on cache initialization, but all cache methods will change API - they will become return promises instead of the raw results. Some consumers cannot be ready for changing API, so there is no silver bullet. We have to keep both strategies.


The whole stored data will be loaded during the cache initialization Notice, cause the loading from the storage is an asynchronous operation, addPersistent will return a promise if used the onInit strategy.

import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

import addPersistent from 'core/cache/decorators/persistent';
import SimpleCache from 'core/cache/simple';

opts = {loadFromStorage: 'onInit'};
persistentCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, opts);

await persistentCache.set('foo', 'bar');
await persistentCache.set('foo2', 'bar2');

// All properties already in our `Simple` cache
const copyOfCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, opts);

console.log(copyOfCache.get('foo') === 'bar');


Each stored item will be loaded from the cache only on the first touch, i.e. on-demand or lazily. This is the default strategy.

import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

import addPersistent from 'core/cache/decorators/persistent';
import SimpleCache from 'core/cache/simple';

const persistentCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal);

await persistentCache.set('foo', 'bar');
await persistentCache.set('foo2', 'bar2');

const copyOfCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal);

console.log(await copyOfCache.get('foo') === 'bar');


Each stored item will be loaded from the cache only on the first touch and only if there is no internet connection. The strategy is useful to create net-first offline storages.

import { isOnline } from 'core/net';
import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

import addPersistent from 'core/cache/decorators/persistent';
import SimpleCache from 'core/cache/simple';

opts = {loadFromStorage: 'onOfflineDemand'},
persistentCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, opts);

await persistentCache.set('foo', 'bar');
await persistentCache.set('foo2', 'bar2');

const copyOfCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, opts);

if ((await isOnline()).status) {
console.log(await copyOfCache.get('foo') !== 'bar');

} else {
console.log(await copyOfCache.get('foo') === 'bar');



Re-exports PersistentCache
Re-exports PersistentOptions
Re-exports PersistentTTLDecoratorOptions


  • Wraps the specified cache object to add a feature of persistent data storing

    import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

    import addPersistent from 'core/cache/decorators/persistent';
    import SimpleCache from 'core/cache/simple';

    opts = {loadFromStorage: 'onInit'},
    persistentCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, opts);

    await persistentCache.set('foo', 'bar', {persistentTTL: (2).seconds()});
    await persistentCache.set('foo2', 'bar2');

    // Because we use the same instance for the local data storing,
    // this cache will have all values from the previous (it will be loaded from the storage during initialization)

    copyOfCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, opts);

    Type parameters

    • V

      value type of the cache object


    Returns Promise<PersistentCache<V, string, CacheWithEmitter<V, string, default<V, string>>>>