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Module src/core/lazy


This module provides a function to create a lazy structure based on the provided function or class. The created structure is a function with the pre-defined methods and properties from the passed scheme and/or class prototype. All property or method actions will be intercepted and accumulated in a queue. After invoking the result function, all accumulated actions will be executed.


With a function that returns an object

import makeLazy from 'core/lazy';

function createUser(name, age) {
return {

showInfo() {
console.log(`Name: ${this.name}; Age: ${this.age}`);

const lazyUser = makeLazy(

// Declaring a scheme with the result of the original function invoking
// A string property with the default value
name: '',

// A number property with the default value
age: 0,

// A method
showInfo: Function

// Nothing happens at all
lazyUser.age = 45;

// Invoking the lazy function and passing necessary arguments.
// After invoking we can see in a console the result of calling `showInfo`:
// `Name: Bob; Age: 45`
const user = lazyUser('Bob', 10);

With a class

import makeLazy from 'core/lazy';

class User {
constructor(name, age) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;

this.config = {
errorHandler() {

showInfo() {
console.log(`Name: ${this.name}; Age: ${this.age}`);

const LazyUser = makeLazy(

// Declaring only properties.
// All methods are taken automatically from the class prototype.
config: {
attr: {},
errorHandler: Function

// Nothing happens at all
LazyUser.config.attr = 'value';

// Creating an instance of the lazy class and passing necessary arguments to its constructor.
// After invoking we can see in a console the results of calling `showInfo` and `config.errorHandler()`:
// `Name: Bob; Age: 23`
// `Boom!`
const user = new LazyUser('Bob', 23);

// Because of `LazyUser.config.attr = 'value'`
console.log(user.config.attr === 'value');

// After invoking we can see in a console the results of `showInfo` and `config.errorHandler()`:
// `Name: Fred; Age: 56`
// `Boom!`
const user2 = new LazyUser('Fred', 56);

Action hooks

There is possibility to provide hook handlers on of some structure actions, like getting or setting a property value or method invoking. These handlers take an array of the already created Lazy instances. Other arguments depend on the hook type.

import makeLazy from 'core/lazy';

class RenderEngine {
component(name, opts) {
if (opts == null) {
return /* Component declaration */;

return /* Create a component */;

const LazyRenderEngine = makeLazy(

config: {
attr: {},
errorHandler: Function

get: {
'config.attrs'(contexts) {
return contexts.at(-1).config.attrs;

set: {
'config.attrs'(contexts, value) {
contexts.forEach((ctx) => {
ctx.config.attrs = value;

call: {
component(contexts, ...args) {
if (args.length > 1) {
contexts.forEach((ctx) => {


return contexts.at(-1).component(...args);

engine1 = new LazyRenderEngine(),
engine2 = new LazyRenderEngine();

// These actions will be provided to the already created instances,
// because we specify hook handlers with this logic

// Will invoke a handler `set.config.attrs`
LazyRenderEngine.config.attrs = 'value';

// Will invoke a handler `get.config.attrs`

// Will invoke a handler `call.component`
LazyRenderEngine.component('newAwesomeComponent', {
props: { /* ... */ },
render: () => { /* ... */ }




  • default<T>(constructor: T, scheme?: ObjectScheme, hooks?: Hooks<T extends ClassConstructor<any[], any> ? InstanceType<T> : T extends (...args: A) => R ? R : object>): T extends ClassConstructor ? T & InstanceType<T> : T extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? ((...args: A) => R) & R : never
  • Creates a new function based on the passed function or class and returns it. The new function accumulates all method and properties actions into a queue. The queue will drain after invoking the created function.

    Type parameters


    • constructor: T
    • Optional scheme: ObjectScheme
    • Optional hooks: Hooks<T extends ClassConstructor<any[], any> ? InstanceType<T> : T extends (...args: A) => R ? R : object>

    Returns T extends ClassConstructor ? T & InstanceType<T> : T extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? ((...args: A) => R) & R : never