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Module src/core/request/response


This module provides a class to work with server response data. The class' API is pretty similar to native the Response class but has some extra functionality. The class doesn't implement native Response static methods.

Why not just use the native Response class?

Because, the core/request module can use different engines, but not only fetch or XMLHttpRequest. These engines can have different peculiarities, so we need to create a new abstraction.

Difference between native and V4 Response classes

There are a few differences between these classes:

  1. The body property is not a stream object. Instead, it contains raw response data used to initialize an instance.
  2. Each Response instance is an async iterable object. So you can use this feature to process the response as a stream. Notice, not every request engine can stream response.
import request from 'core/request';
import fetchEngine from 'core/request/engines/fetch';

for await (const chunk of request('//movie', {engine: fetchEngine})) {
console.log(chunk.data, chunk.total, chunk.loaded);

Extra API


EventName Description Payload description Payload
bodyUsed The response body has been read via decode - -
streamUsed The response body has been read via an async iterator - -

Constructor options

With creation of a Response instance you can pass a bunch of options.

export interface ResponseOptions {
url?: string;
redirected?: boolean;
type?: ResponseModeType;

* Parent operation promise
parent?: AbortablePromise;

* A meta flag that indicates that the request is important: is usually used with decoders to indicate that
* the request needs to be executed as soon as possible
important?: boolean;

status?: StatusCodes;
statusText?: string;

* A list of status codes (or a single code) that match successful operation.
* Also, you can pass a range of codes.
okStatuses?: OkStatuses;

* Type of the response data
responseType?: ResponseType;

* Set of response headers
headers?: RawHeaders;

* A function or sequence of functions to decode a response body
decoder?: WrappedDecoder | WrappedDecoders;

* A function or sequence of functions to decode a response chunk when you are parsing the response in a stream form
streamDecoder?: WrappedStreamDecoder | WrappedStreamDecoders;

* Reviver function for `JSON.parse`
* @default `convertIfDate`
jsonReviver?: JSONCb | false;



True, if the response body is already read as a stream.


A list of status codes (or a single code) that match successful operation. Also, you can pass a range of codes.


A list of response decoders.


A list of response decoders to apply for chunks when you are parsing response in a stream form.


A reviver function for JSON.parse.


Event emitter to broadcast response events.

import request from 'core/request';

.then(({response}) => {
response.emitter.once('bodyUsed', () => {
console.log('Body has been read');

return response.decode();



Parses the response body and returns a promise with the result. The operation result is memoized, and you can't parse the response as a stream after invoking this method.

A way to parse data is based on the response Content-Type header or a passed responseType constructor option. Also, a sequence of decoders is applied to the parsed result if they are passed with a decodersconstructor option.

import request from 'core/request';

.then(({response}) => response.decode())
.then((img) => console.log(img instanceof Blob));

request('//users', {decoders: [parseProtobuf, normalizeUsers], responseType: 'arrayBuffer'})
.then(({response}) => response.decode())
.then((users) => console.log(users));


Parses the response body as a stream and yields chunks via an async iterator. You can't parse the response as a whole data after invoking this method.

A way to parse data chunks is based on the response Content-Type header or a passed responseTypeconstructor option. Also, a sequence of stream decoders is applied to the parsed chunk if they are passed with a streamDecoders constructor option.

import request from 'core/request';
import { streamArray } from 'core/json/stream';

.then(async ({response}) => {
for await (const chunk of response.decodeStream()) {
console.log(chunk instanceof ArrayBuffer);

request('//users', {streamDecoders: [streamArray], responseType: 'json'})
.then(async ({response}) => {
for await (const user of response.decodeStream()) {


Parses the response data stream as a JSON tokens and yields them via an async iterator.

import request from 'core/request';
import { streamArray } from 'core/json/stream';

request('//users', {streamDecoders: [streamArray]})
.then(async ({response}) => {
for await (const user of response.jsonStream()) {


Parses the response data stream as a text chunks and yields them via an async iterator.

import request from 'core/request';

.then(async ({response}) => {
for await (const textFragment of response.textStream()) {


Parses the response data stream as an ArrayBuffer chunks and yields them via an async iterator.

import request from 'core/request';

.then(async ({response}) => {
for await (const chunkBuffer of response.stream()) {


Returns an iterator by the response body. Mind, when you parse response via iterator, you won't be able to use other parse methods, like json or text.

import request from 'core/request';

.then(async ({response}) => {
for await (const {loaded, total, data} of response) {
console.log(loaded, total, data);



Re-exports HeadersForEachCb
Re-exports JSONLikeValue
Re-exports NormalizedResponseOptions
Re-exports RawHeaders
Re-exports ResponseChunk
Re-exports ResponseModeType
Re-exports ResponseOptions
Re-exports ResponseType
Re-exports ResponseTypeValue
Re-exports ResponseTypeValueP
Re-exports defaultResponseOpts
Re-exports noContentStatusCodes


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