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Module src/core/error


The module provides the base class for any errors. All classes of errors should extend this one.


When TypeScript's target is < ES6, the transpiled code breaks inheritance from built-in classes. For example:

class MyError extends Error {}
const error = new MyError();

// false
console.log(error instanceof MyError);

// true
console.log(error instanceof Error);

So instanceof won't work as expected. The same goes to a class that extends MyError: instanceof returns true only for the Error class.

BaseError fixes this problem. Moreover, BaseError takes care of name field and sets it correctly in the constructor.

How to use

import BaseError from 'core/error';

class ValidationError extends BaseError {}

Additional abilities

Message format

You can define an error message via the first argument at the BaseError constructor. Additionally, BaseError allows you to define a message format. It means that message can be generated based on arguments, passed to the error class constructor. To achieve this, you need to override the protected format method with an inheriting class.

The message field always returns the result of invoking the format method. By default, the method returns a string that is passed to BaseError's constructor as the first argument.

class ValidationError extends BaseError {
fieldName: string;

constructor(fieldName: string) {
this.fieldName = fieldName;

protected format(): string {
return `Invalid field: ${this.fieldName}`;

const error = new ValidationError('FullName');
console.log(error.message); // Invalid field: FullName

Causing error

It's possible to pass an error as the second argument to the BaseError constructor. In this case, it's considered as the error that caused the new one. After this, the error caused can be accessed via the read-only cause property.

class ExternalLibError extends BaseError {
constructor(cause: Error) {
super('An external lib failed', cause);

try {
// Do some stuff

} catch (e) {
const error = new ExternalLibError(e);

// error.cause === e
throw error;



Re-exports ErrorCtor
Re-exports ErrorDetailsExtractor