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Module src/core/net


This module provides API to work with a network, such as testing of the network connection, etc.

import * as net from 'core/net';

(async () => {
console.log(await net.isOnline());


To enable online checking you need to add a configuration within your runtime config module (src/config).


import { extend } from '@v4fire/core/config';

online: {
// URL to check the online connection
// (with the "browser.request" engine can be used only image URL-s)
checkURL: 'https://google.com/favicon.ico',

// Default options:

// How often need to check the online connection (ms)
checkInterval: (30).seconds(),

// Timeout of a connection checking request
checkTimeout: (2).seconds(),

// The maximum number of retries to check the online connection
retryCount: 3,

// How often to update the last online connection time
lastDateSyncInterval: (1).minute(),

// True, if we need to save a time of the last online connection in the local cache
persistence: true,

// How long to store a checking result in the local cache
cacheTTL: (1).second()


EventName Description Payload description Payload
online The network connection has appeared - -
offline The network connection has lost When was the last connection Date
status The network connection status has been changed Connection status NetStatus
import * as net from 'core/net';

net.emitter.emitter.on('online', () => {
console.log("I'm online!");

net.emitter.emitter.on('offline', (lastOnlineDate) => {
console.log(`I have been online at ${lastOnlineDate}`);

net.emitter.emitter.on('status', (e) => {
console.log(`Connection is ${e.status ? 'online' : 'offline'}`);

if (!e.status) {
console.log(`I have been online at ${e.lastOnline}`);


The module supports different implementations to check the online connection. The implementations are placed within core/net/engines. By default, it uses a strategy by requesting some recourses from the internet, like a Google favicon. But you can manually provide an engine to use.

import * as net from 'core/net';

(async () => {
// Loopback. Always online.
console.log(await net.isOnline(async () => true));



Re-exports NetEngine
Re-exports NetState
Re-exports NetStatus
Re-exports OnlineCheckConfig
Re-exports emitter
Re-exports event
Re-exports state


  • syncStatusWithStorage(): Promise<void>
  • updateStatus(): Promise<void>