Creates an infinite iterator and returns it. If the passed value is true, the created iterator will produce values from zero to the positive infinity. Otherwise, from zero to the negative infinity.
Creates an empty iterator and returns it
Creates an iterator from zero to the passed number (non including) and returns it
Creates an iterator over the passed string by graphical letters
Creates an iterator over values from the specified dictionary and returns it
Creates an iterator over values from the specified array-like object and returns it
Creates an iterator from the passed generator function and returns it
Creates an iterator from the passed async generator function and returns it
Creates a new iterator based on the specified iterable structure and returns it
Creates a new async iterator based on the specified async iterable structure and returns it
This module provides a bunch of helpers to create and work with iterators.
Creates an iterator based on the specified object and returns it. The function has various overloads:
, the function creates an empty iterator.