Function to transform a value after assembling.
Its API is identical to the reviver from JSON.parse
Stack of nested assembled items and keys contained within the active assembling value
Handler to process an array start
Handler to process an object start
A value of the active assembled item. If it is a container (object or array), all new assembled values will be added to it.
Depth of the assembling structure
Indicates that the active value is fully assembled
Sets the value assembling status
Creates a handler to process starting of an object or array
constructor to create a structure
Handler to process an array end
Handler to process an object end
Handler to process ending of primitive values
Handler to process a falsy boolean value
Handler to process an object key value
Handler to process nullish values
Handler to process a number value
Processes the passed JSON token and yields the assembled values
Saves an assembled value into the internal structure
Handler to process a string value
Handler to process a truly boolean value
Property key of the active assembling value