Cache TTL identifier
True if the request can be cached
Promise that resolves when the instance is already initialized
Request parameters
Link to a parent operation promise
Storage to cache the request while it is pending a response
True if the request can provide parameters only as a query string
Sequence of response data decoders
Sets a new sequence of response data decoders
Sequence of request data encoders
Sets a new sequence of request data encoders
Alias for params.headers
Alias for params.query
Sequence of response data decoders
Sets a new sequence of response data decoders
Drops the request cache
Generates a string cache key for specified URL and returns it
Returns an absolute URL for the request API
Resolves request parameters and returns an absolute URL for the request
Returns an absolute URL for the request
Middleware to cache a response object
response object
A middleware to wrap the specified response value with RequestResponseObject
Use it when wrapping some raw data as the core/request
Wraps the specified promise: attaches the pending cache, etc.
Storage to cache the resolved request