If true, then the promise was aborted
Handler of the native promise rejection that was raised by a reason of abort
Handler of the native promise rejection
Handler of the native promise resolving
Number of pending child promises
Internal native promise instance
Actual promise state
Resolved promise value
True if the current promise is pending
Aborts the current promise (the promise will be rejected)
Executes a function with the specified parameters
arguments for the function
Attaches a handler for the promise' rejected state. The method returns a new promise that will be resolved with a value that returns from the passed handler.
Attaches a common callback for the promise fulfilled and rejected states. The method returns a new promise with the state and value from the current. A value from the passed callback will be ignored unless it equals a rejected promise or exception.
Attaches handlers for the promise fulfilled and/or rejected states. The method returns a new promise that will be resolved with a value that returns from the passed handlers.