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Interface WrappedCreateRequestOptions<D>

Type parameters

  • D = unknown




A map of API parameters.

These parameters apply if the original request URL is not absolute, and they can be used to customize the base API URL depending on the runtime environment. If you define the base API URL via config#api or globalOpts.api, these parameters will be mapped on it.

// URL (IS_PROD === true): https://foo.com/users
// URL (IS_PROD === false): https://foo.com/foo-stage

request('/users', {
api: {
protocol: 'https',
domain2: () => IS_PROD ? 'foo' : 'foo-stage',
zone: 'com'

// URL (globalOpts.api === 'https://api.foo.com' && IS_PROD === true): https://api.foo.com/users
// URL (globalOpts.api === 'https://api.foo.com' && IS_PROD === false): https://api.foo-stage.com/users

request('/users', {
api: {
domain2: () => IS_PROD ? 'foo' : 'foo-stage',

Request body. Mind, not every HTTP method can send data in this way. For instance, GET or HEAD requests can send data only with URLs (@see query).

cacheId?: string | symbol

Unique cache identifier: it can be useful to create request factories with isolated cache storages

cacheMethods?: RequestMethod[]

List of request methods that support caching



cacheStrategy?: CacheStrategy

Strategy of caching for requests that support caching (by default, only GET requests can be cached):

  1. 'forever' - caches all requests and stores their values forever within the active session or until the cache expires (if cacheTTL is specified);
  2. 'queue' - caches all requests, but more frequent requests will push less frequent requests;
  3. 'never' - never caches any requests;
  4. Or, you can pass a custom cache object.
import request, { cache } from 'core/request';
import RestrictedCache from 'core/cache/restricted';

request('/users', {
cacheStrategy: 'forever'

request('/users', {
cacheStrategy: new RestrictedCache(50)

// If you set a strategy using string identifiers, all requests will be stored within the global cache objects.
cacheTTL?: number

Value in milliseconds that indicates how long a request value should keep in the cache (all requests are stored within the active session without expiring by default)

contentType?: string

Mime type of the request data (if not specified, it will be cast dynamically)

request('//create-user', {
method: 'POST',
body: {name: 'Bob'},
contentType: 'application/x-msgpack',
encoder: toMessagePack
credentials?: boolean | RequestCredentials

Enables providing of credentials for cross-domain requests. Also, you can manage to omit any credentials if the used request engine supports it.

decoder?: WrappedDecoder<unknown, unknown> | WrappedDecoders

A function (or a sequence of functions) takes the current request response data and returns new data to respond. If you provide a sequence of functions, the first function will pass a result to the next function from the sequence, etc.

encoder?: WrappedEncoder<unknown, unknown> | WrappedEncoders

A function (or a sequence of functions) takes the current request data and returns new data to request. If you provide a sequence of functions, the first function will pass a result in the next function from the sequence, etc.

engine?: RequestEngine

A request engine to use. The engine - is a simple function that takes request parameters and returns an abortable promise resolved with the core/request/response instance. Mind, some engines provide extra features. For instance, you can listen to upload progress events with the XHR engine. Or, you can parse responses in a stream form with the Fetch engine.

import AbortablePromise from 'core/promise/abortable';

import request from 'core/request';
import Response from 'core/request/response';

import fetchEngine from 'core/request/engines/fetch';
import xhrEngine from 'core/request/engines/xhr';

request('//users', {
engine: fetchEngine,
credentials: 'omit'

request('//users', {
engine: xhrEngine

request('//users', {
engine: (params) => new AbortablePromise((resolve) => {
const res = new Response({
message: 'Hello world'
}, {responseType: 'object'});


}, params.parent)

headers: default

Additional HTTP request headers. You can provide them as a simple dictionary or an instance of the Headers class. Also, you can pass headers as an instance of the core/request/headers class.

important?: boolean

A meta flag that indicates that the request is important: is usually used with middlewares to indicate that the request needs to be executed as soon as possible

request('/users', {
important: true,

middlewares: {
doSomeWork({ctx}) {
if (ctx.important) {
// Do some work...
jsonReviver?: false | JSONCb

Reviver function for JSON.parse or false to disable defaults. By default, it parses some strings as Date instances.



meta?: Dictionary<unknown>

A dictionary with some extra parameters for the request: is usually used with middlewares to provide domain-specific information

method?: RequestMethod
middlewares?: Middlewares<D>

A dictionary or iterable value with middleware functions: functions take an environment of request parameters and can modify theirs.

Please notice that the order of middleware depends on the structure you use. Also, if at least one of the middlewares returns a function, invoking this function will be returned as the request result. It can be helpful to organize mocks of data and other similar cases when you don't want to execute a real request.

request('/users', {
middlewares: {
addAPI({globalOpts}) {
if (globalOpts.api == null) {
globalOpts.api = 'https://api.foo.com';

addSession({opts}) {
opts.headers.set('Authorization', myJWT);

// Mocking response data
request('/users', {
middlewares: [
({ctx}) => () => ctx.wrapAsResponse([
{name: 'Bob'},
{name: 'Robert'}
offlineCache?: boolean

Enables support of offline caching. By default, a request can only be taken from a cache if there is no network. You can customize this logic by providing a custom cache object with the core/cache/decorators/persistent decorator.



import request from 'core/request';
import { asyncLocal } from 'core/kv-storage';

import addPersistent from 'core/cache/decorators/persistent';
import SimpleCache from 'core/cache/simple';

request('/users', {
cacheStrategy: 'forever',
offlineCache: true

opts = {loadFromStorage: 'onInit'},
persistentCache = await addPersistent(new SimpleCache(), asyncLocal, opts);

request('/users', {
cacheStrategy: persistentCache
offlineCacheTTL?: number

Value in milliseconds that indicates how long a request value should keep in the offline cache



okStatuses?: OkStatuses

A list of status codes (or a single code) that match successful operation. Also, you can pass a range of codes.


new Range(200, 299)

path: CanUndef<string>

Original path that was passed into the request function

query?: RequestQuery

Request parameters that will be serialized to a string and passed via a request URL. To customize how to encode data to a query string, see querySerializer.

responseType?: ResponseType

Type of the response data (if not specified, it will be cast dynamically from the response headers):

  1. 'text' - result is interpreted as a simple string;
  2. 'json' - result is interpreted as a JSON object;
  3. 'document' - result is interpreted as an XML/HTML document;
  4. 'formData' - result is interpreted as a FormData object;
  5. 'blob' - result is interpreted as a Blob object;
  6. 'arrayBuffer' - result is interpreted as a raw array buffer;
  7. 'object' - result is interpreted "as is" without any converting.
request('//users', {
responseType: 'arrayBuffer',
decoder: fromMessagePack
retry?: number | RetryOptions<unknown>

Options to retry bad requests or a number of maximum request retries

request('//users', {
timeout: (10).seconds(),
retry: 3

request('//users', {
timeout: (10).seconds(),
retry: {
attempts: 3,
delay: (attempt) => attempt * (3).seconds()
streamDecoder?: WrappedStreamDecoder<unknown, unknown> | WrappedStreamDecoders

A function (or a sequence of functions) takes the current request response data chunk and yields a new chunk to respond via an async iterator. If you provide a sequence of functions, the first function will pass a result to the next function from the sequence, etc. This parameter is used when you're parsing responses in a stream form.

timeout?: number

Value in milliseconds for a request timeout

url: CanUndef<string>

URL to make request


  • Returns a serialized value of the specified query object

    import request from 'core/request';
    import { toQueryString } from 'core/url';

    request('//user', {
    query: {ids: [125, 35, 454]},
    querySerializer: (data) => toQueryString(data, {arraySyntax: true})


    Returns string