  • Public
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  • All





addMethod: RequestMethod = 'POST'

Default HTTP request method for the "add" method

advURL: string = ''

Advanced part of URL for a request of all request methods (it is concatenated with the base part)

baseAddURL?: string

Base part of URL for a request for the "add" method

class Profile extends Provider {
// baseURL request methods despite the "add" is used this URL
basePeekURL: 'profile/info'
baseAddURL: 'profile/info/add'
baseDelURL?: string

Base part of URL for a request for the "del" method

class Profile extends Provider {
// baseURL request methods despite the "del" is used this URL
basePeekURL: 'profile/info'
baseDelURL: 'profile/info/del'
baseGetURL?: string

Base part of URL for a request for the "get" method

class Profile extends Provider {
// For all request methods despite the "get" is used this URL
baseURL: 'profile/info'
baseGetURL: 'profile/info/get'
basePeekURL?: string

Base part of URL for a request for the "peek" method

class Profile extends Provider {
// For all request methods despite the "peek" is used this URL
baseURL: 'profile/info'
basePeekURL: 'profile/info/peek'
baseURL: string = ''

Base part of URL for a request of all request methods

class Profile extends Provider {
baseURL: 'profile/info'
baseUpdURL?: string

Base part of URL for a request for the "upd" method

class Profile extends Provider {
// baseURL request methods despite the "upd" is used this URL
basePeekURL: 'profile/info'
baseUpdURL: 'profile/info/upd'
customMethod: CanUndef<RequestMethod>

HTTP request method for all request methods. This parameter will override other method parameters, such as "getMethod" or "delMethod".

delMethod: RequestMethod = 'DELETE'

Default HTTP request method for the "del" method

eventName: CanUndef<ModelMethod>

Event name for requests. Please notice that all request methods except "get", "peek" and "request" emit events by default.

extraProviders?: FunctionalExtraProviders<unknown>

List of additional data providers for the "get" method. It can be useful if you have some providers that you want combine to one.

class User extends Provider {
baseURL: 'user/info',

extraProviders: {
balance: {
provider: 'UserBalance'

hobby: {
provider: 'UserHobby'
getMethod: RequestMethod = 'GET'

Default HTTP request method for the "get" method

globalEmitter: EventEmitter2 = emitter

Global event emitter to broadcast provider events

mocks?: Mocks


peekMethod: RequestMethod = 'HEAD'

Default HTTP request method for the "peek" method

socketURL?: string

URL for a socket connection

updMethod: RequestMethod = 'PUT'

Default HTTP request method for the "upd" method

decoders: DecodersMap = {}

Map of data decoder sequences. The key of a map element represent a name of the provider method: 'get', 'post', etc. The value of a map element represent a sequence of decoders for the specified provider method.



class MyProvider extends Provider {
static decoders = {
get: [fromJSON],
upd: [fromBuffer]
encoders: EncodersMap = {}

Map of data encoder sequences. The key of a map element represent a name of the provider method: 'get', 'post', etc. The value of a map element represent a sequence of encoders for the specified provider method.



class MyProvider extends Provider {
static encoders = {
get: [convertToJSON],
upd: [convertToBuffer]
middlewares: Middlewares<unknown> = {}

Sequence of middlewares that is provided to the request function. An object form is easily to extend, bur you can choose any different form.



import request from 'core/request';

class Parent extends Provider {
static middlewares = {
attachGeoCoords() { ... }

class Children extends Parent {
static middlewares = {
addSession() {
mocks?: Mocks

Map of data mocks. This object can be used with a middleware that implements API for data mocking, for example attachMock from 'core/data/middlewares'.

The key of a map element represent a method request type: 'GET', 'POST', etc. The value of a map element represent a list of parameters to match.



import { attachMock } from 'core/data/middlewares';

class MyProvider extends Provider {
static mocks = {
GET: [
// The mock for a GET request with a query parameter that contains
// `search=foo` parameter
status: 200,

// For the mock response won't be applied decoders
// (by default, `true`)
decoders: false,

query: {
search: 'foo'

// The response
response: {
data: [

// The mock is catches all POST requests and dynamically generated responses
response(params, response) {
if (!params.opts.query?.data) {
response.status = 400;

response.status = 200;
response.responseType = 'string';
return 'ok';

static middlewares = {attachMock};
request: { <D>(path: string, opts?: CreateRequestOptions<D>): RequestPromise<D>; <D>(opts: CreateRequestOptions<D>): typeof __type; <D, A>(path: string, resolver: RequestResolver<D, A>, opts?: CreateRequestOptions<D>): RequestFunctionResponse<D, A extends infer V[] ? V[] : unknown[]> } = request

Type declaration

    • Creates a new remote request with the specified options

      request('bla/get').then(({data, response}) => {
      console.log(data, response.status);

      Type parameters

      • D = unknown


      Returns RequestPromise<D>

    • Returns a wrapped request constructor with the specified options. This overload helps to organize the "builder" pattern.

      request({okStatuses: 200})({method: 'POST'})('bla/get').then(({data, response}) => {
      console.log(data, response.status);

      Type parameters

      • D = unknown


      Returns typeof __type

    • Returns a function to create a new remote request with the specified options. This overload helps to create a factory of requests.

      // Modifying the current URL
      request('https://foo.com', (url, env, ...args) => args.join('/'))('bla', 'baz') // https://foo.com/bla/baz

      // Replacing the current URL
      request('https://foo.com', () => ['https://bla.com', 'bla', 'baz'])() // https://bla.com/bla/baz

      Type parameters

      • D = unknown

      • A: any[] = unknown[]


      • path: string

        request path URL

      • resolver: RequestResolver<D, A>

        function to resolve a request: it takes a request URL, request environment, and arguments from invoking the outer function and can modify some request parameters. Also, if the function returns a new string, the string will be appended to the request URL, or if the function returns a string wrapped with an array, the string fully overrides the original URL.

      • Optional opts: CreateRequestOptions<D>

        request options

      Returns RequestFunctionResponse<D, A extends infer V[] ? V[] : unknown[]>


  • get globalEvent(): EventEmitter2
  • Alias for the request function

    Returns { <D>(path: string, opts?: CreateRequestOptions<D>): RequestPromise<D>; <D>(opts: CreateRequestOptions<D>): typeof __type; <D, A>(path: string, resolver: RequestResolver<D, A>, opts?: CreateRequestOptions<D>): RequestFunctionResponse<D, A extends infer V[] ? V[] : unknown[]> }

      • Creates a new remote request with the specified options

        request('bla/get').then(({data, response}) => {
        console.log(data, response.status);

        Type parameters

        • D = unknown


        Returns RequestPromise<D>

      • Returns a wrapped request constructor with the specified options. This overload helps to organize the "builder" pattern.

        request({okStatuses: 200})({method: 'POST'})('bla/get').then(({data, response}) => {
        console.log(data, response.status);

        Type parameters

        • D = unknown


        Returns typeof __type

      • Returns a function to create a new remote request with the specified options. This overload helps to create a factory of requests.

        // Modifying the current URL
        request('https://foo.com', (url, env, ...args) => args.join('/'))('bla', 'baz') // https://foo.com/bla/baz

        // Replacing the current URL
        request('https://foo.com', () => ['https://bla.com', 'bla', 'baz'])() // https://bla.com/bla/baz

        Type parameters

        • D = unknown

        • A: any[] = unknown[]


        • path: string

          request path URL

        • resolver: RequestResolver<D, A>

          function to resolve a request: it takes a request URL, request environment, and arguments from invoking the outer function and can modify some request parameters. Also, if the function returns a new string, the string will be appended to the request URL, or if the function returns a string wrapped with an array, the string fully overrides the original URL.

        • Optional opts: CreateRequestOptions<D>

          request options

        Returns RequestFunctionResponse<D, A extends infer V[] ? V[] : unknown[]>


  • Finds an element from an object by the specified parameters

    class MyProvider extends Provider {}
    MyProvider.select([{test: 1}], {where: {test: 1}}) // {test: 1}

    Type parameters

    • T = unknown


    • obj: unknown

      object to search

    • params: SelectParams

      search parameters

    Returns CanUndef<T>